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English Immersion

Years ago Canadian educators pioneered the field of language immersion education. It was the direct result of the idea that people learn a second language the same way they learned their first -- in a natural context where there is social motivation to communicate.

Preschool is the perfect time to begin learning another language. At this age children are in their prime stage of discovery and exploration (even in their first language) and are more open to the give and take necessary to develop fluency in another language.

Many children readily accept the challenge of a second language. They’re learning new words in their own language every day so adding a few more can seem almost normal to some little ones. But the truth is that language immersion is equivalent to sending their brain to the gym everyday. Their brains become resilient as they seek to find commonality, meaning and connection between two languages.

The reasons to provide your child with an immersion education are practically endless but these are a few of our favorites:

  • Improved focus

  • Improved decision making

  • Cognitive development

  • Increased analytical skills

  • Improved memory

  • Boosts creativity

  • Improved problem solving skills

  • World peace. Yep. Immersing your child in another language will open their mind, develop a global perspective and cultivate respect and interest in other places and people.

Developing a second language takes time. Language immersion is one of the only approaches that allows young children enough TIME to listen, gain understanding and eventually begin to speak and even read and write in another language. Starting with immersion in preschool gives your child a great advantage for their education now and their career later.

  • Children are more open to discovery

  • More open to the give and take in communication necessary for language development

  • May be one of the best ways to contribute to world peace as it inherently teaches children to not discriminate - “If students have not had exposure to, or appreciation of, foreign languages and lifestyles, or do not understand that people can be different they will have no understanding, respect or interest in foreign concerns and people. (p. 9)

  • Boosts creativity

  • ”It expands your worldview so that you not only know more, you know differently”

Researchers at Northwestern University note that a biological difference in the auditory nervous system appears to enhance attention and working memory among those who speak more than one language. “You are a mental juggler,” notes Dr. Nina Kraus… people who can master more than one language are building a more resilient brain, one more proficient at multitasking setting priorities and perhaps, better able to withstand the reavages of age (wall street journal 2012)

-”Ask any language immersion teacher and they will tell you the benefits: brain pathway development, improved focus, improved decision making, cognitive development, increased analytical skills and improved memory.

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